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My Experience With Academical


Image of Academical

Academical is a choice-based interactive game that aims to educate people about responsible conduct of research. Studies have shown that an interactive format allows for players to engage and develop more reasoning in the realm of responsible conduct of research.

I helped the Expressive Intelligence Studio and ALT games lab to build the UI for this game in preparation for submission to the National Science Foundation. We used C# scripting in Unity for the game, with Twine and Ink used to manage the dialogue of the game. I gained more experience with Unity UI builder and C# scripting. Additionally, since we had to submit the game for testing in how efficiently it performed, I got more insight into the iterative process of developing a product based on feedback.

Repository can be found here: https://github.com/ExpressiveIntelligence/Academical3

Main website for academical can be found here: https://altgameslab.soe.ucsc.edu/academical/